Maciej Ludorowski Chef
32 years old
Specialization: Italian, modern, Polish cuisine
- professional chef
- 5 years of work as a chef
- 1 year as a chef in Italy
- 7 years of work he also serves as the chef
Maciej comes from Ustroń. Thanks to experience and passion, he is the chef in our restaurant. Serves dishes and makes sure that all are prepared at 100%. His eye escapes nothing, thanks to this we will always receive a top class dish.
Robert Juroszek Chef
47 years old
Specialization: Polish and regional cuisine
- professional chef
- 5 years of work as a chef in a hotel
- 5 years he worked as a chef in a regional restaurant
- 14 years, he worked in another regional restaurant, where he was promoted to head of change and then became the head chef
Robert comes from Koniaków. Many years of experience, passion and exquisite taste are the best assets of the chef he owns. In our place he is responsible for weddings and other special events. Guaranteeing us delicious taste of each of the prepared dishes.
Antoni Bujok Cook
24 years old
Specialization: Polish and modern cuisine
- professional chef
- 7 years he worked as a chef in a regional restaurant
Antoni comes from Koniaków. Thanks to his commitment to work and creativity, he is responsible for the freshness and composition of the dishes. Providing a modern look and interesting taste of each dish.
Krzysztof Gemra Cook
34 years old
Specialization: Polish and regional cuisine
- professional chef
- 14 years of experience as a cook
Krzysztof comes from Koniaków. In our kitchen, she prepares and makes sure that all extras are always of the highest quality. His conscientiousness and control of each product provide us with the pleasure of tasting each dish.
Robert Gaweł
Pochodzi z Milówki.
Lat 23
Doświadczenie zawodowe:
- 3 lata praktyk
- 3 lata pracy jako kucharz
W 2015r. zdobył 2 miejsce w konkursie ogólnopolskim „Sprawny w Zawodzie”
Kucharz specjalizuje się w kuchni polskiej oraz regionalnej.
W naszej kuchni Robert pracuje na stanowisku mięs, to on pilnuje aby steki, które goście zamawiają były takie jakie sobie wymarzyli.
Łukasz Baca
Pochodzi z Istebnej.
- 2 lata praktyk
- 5 lat w zawodzie
Kucharz specjalizuje się w kuchni Polskiej.
Wraz z Robertem pracuje na stanowisku mięs, wszystkie mięsa z karty oraz wyroby w naszej gablotce wychodzą z pod ich ręki.